SANDY THOMAS ADV. appears to be sound, but where could we possibly find boys who would be willing to wear formal dresses and compete in a beauty contest? They'd have to at least threaten to do it, you know. We might be able to force Carlson to let boys enter, but they would have to be ready to go all the way!"

Joanne looked around the room, and declared. "My son certainly would, I'd see to that! How about you Emma? Would you allow Paul to compete?"

"Allow him?" she exclaimed. "If you can convince Sam, I'll guarantee that Paul will join him. . .even if I have to make him!"

"Alright, that's the spirit!" Joanne cried. "Now, who else besides Emma and myself have sons in the freshperson class this year?"

After a moment of silence and much looking about the room at one another, Sarah Cross raised her hand and said, "My Evan is a freshman. . .I mean freshperson this year."

"Great! Will he compete as well?"

Sarah wasn't so sure about her son being targeted as a key player in this endeavor, but the cause was worthy, and she didn't want to be the lone holdout. "I..I guess he'll do it. . .if...if Sam and Paul agree.'


"Wonderful!" Joanne gushed. "We've found our boys! Since each individual mother volunteered her son, let her be responsible for overcoming his objections. Fortunately, all three live in fatherless homes, so that potential obstacle won't be a factor. Neither will getting them on the ballot. Our members have more than enough daughters that will be happy to make the nominations."

A basic plan was discussed late into the evening by the group. Once the boys were officially nominated, they felt sure Carlson and his cronies would back down and cancel the contest to avoid the inevitable embarrassment and adverse publicity.




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copyright, 1995 Chapter Two "You want me to what?!" gasped an astounded Sam when his mother told him of his righteous mission. "I want you to compete for Freshie Queen." "What will I have to do?"

"Well, you won't have to actually do anything," she assured him. "Our plan is simply to put Mr. Carlson in a position that forces him to cancel that awful outdated sexist contest. When boys enter his precious event, he'll have no choice but to cancel the proceedings. You won't have to actually wear a dress or anything. It's just a clever deception, don't you see?"

Maureen, his sister chimed in saying that he would be making an important political statement as well.

"I don't care about political statements," Sam whined. "I'll be committing social suicide, that's what I'll be doing. If I enter that contest, all my friends will think I'm a sissy or...or...worse! Any guy who wanted to be elected Freshie QUEEN would be committing suicide. Boys aren't supposed to be queens, Mom!"

"Nonsense Sam! Anyway, it's not as though you'd be doing it alone," Joanne cooed in the soothing voice of a professional negotiator. "Two other boys are slated to compete, and they've already agreed."

Her last statement was patently untrue because as far as she knew, the other boys hadn't agreed to anything! But, who was she to stand on ceremony at a momentous time like this?

"Other boys? Who are they, a couple of sissies?” "Sissies? No, not at all. Is your good friend Paul Wainright a sissy? And, Evan Cross do you think he's a sissy?" "Paul's going along with this crazy plan?" Sam asked as the name of his best friend gave him a slight feeling of security.

Joanne sensed his resistance slipping with that information and moved in for the kill. "He is!" she bluffed. "And another thing, this would mean an awful lot to me Sammy." "Aw, Mom." Sam whimpered. "Don't make me do this."

"I won't make you do it sweetheart, but if you do this for me, I'll do something special for you, like take you and